Our expertise and operational processes allow us to structure tailor-made trusts for each client and/or transaction.

To be BVI’s premier Trust Company capable of assisting HNWIs and families in the succession of their patrimonies for generations to come.
Icaza BVI strives to guide HNWIs and families to reach a well structured corporate governance within their family businesses, and an organized succession that contemplates fiscal efficiency and wealth preservation.

The BVI Trustee Act was enacted in 1961, and has been amended in 1993, 2003, 2013, 2015, and 2021.
Legislation on Trust
In other words, Trustees of a Trust governed by the BVI Trustee Act are responsible for monitoring the administration of trust assets.
Reserved Powers: The Settlors, protectors, protector committees, or any third party established in a Trust Instrument may reserve the following powers under a BVI Trust:
Power to revoke trust;
Power to amend the trust deed;
Dispositive powers over trust capital, income or both;
Power to appoint and remove the directors of underlying companies, and to direct how they vote;
Power to direct trust investments;
Power to appoint and remove trustees, protectors, and any other office holders;
Power to add and remove beneficiaries;
Power to change the governing law and courts with jurisdiction over the trust; and
Power to apply directions or consent requirements to any of the trustee’s powers and functions.
Trust accounting records: Trustees shall maintain records, and underlying documentation of the Trust and retain them for at least five (5) years. The records and underlying documentation of the trust shall be in such form as are sufficient to show and explain the trusts’ transactions, and enable at any time the financial position of the trust to be determined with reasonable accuracy.
The records and underlying documentation of the trust shall be sufficient to show and explain the trust’s transactions, and enable at any time the financial position of the trust to be determined with reasonable accuracy.